It’s absurd to think he will be murdered in prison. Don’t talk daft.
Not daft at all when you consider that the prison system is heavily stacked with muslims.
reported by a canadian journalist name of levant.
he was reporting on the second trial of t robinson for the same offence that being reporting from outside a court house after the trial in question was over.
this defendant tr has been found guilty and if sent to prison he will face the real possibility of being murdered inside.
It’s absurd to think he will be murdered in prison. Don’t talk daft.
Not daft at all when you consider that the prison system is heavily stacked with muslims.
reported by a canadian journalist name of levant.
he was reporting on the second trial of t robinson for the same offence that being reporting from outside a court house after the trial in question was over.
this defendant tr has been found guilty and if sent to prison he will face the real possibility of being murdered inside.
...He is a little evil minded prick.
You have not seen evil, what would you call the Mohammedans who raped and murdered 14 year old Charlene Downs and disposed of her body by using it for kebab meat at there take away shop?reported by a canadian journalist name of levant.
he was reporting on the second trial of t robinson for the same offence that being reporting from outside a court house after the trial in question was over.
this defendant tr has been found guilty and if sent to prison he will face the real possibility of being murdered inside.
He prejudiced the chances of a fair Trial for the defendants, who would likely walk free because of his actions. He knew exactly what he was doing, and the risks he was taking.
He was simply trying to foment more Racial Hatred and whip up his fascist Bully-Boy friends.
He is a little evil minded prick.
That is exactly what they want you to believe Phizzy.
A careful examination shows that this is not the case and that Tommy is a political prisoner for telling the ugly truth about muslim grooming (rape) gangs that were allowed to proliferate unchecked for more than a decade. Should the full story come out there would be people in very high places implicated. This scandal should be front page news, but instead many people who talk about it are being de-platformed - banned from youtube facebook etc.
reported by a canadian journalist name of levant.
he was reporting on the second trial of t robinson for the same offence that being reporting from outside a court house after the trial in question was over.
this defendant tr has been found guilty and if sent to prison he will face the real possibility of being murdered inside.
This is and absolute travesty of justice Zeb, like yourself I have been watching very closely.
okay sorry, just a few more things that grabbed me in this issue:.
the magazine starts with an article dedicated to the 100th anniversary of that all important year on which the gb's authority hangs, 1919. the article ends with several rapid fire assertions:.
by the end of 1919, jehovah’s people.
A Fabian, now that is a subject that you would never read about in a watch tower.
some happifying news.
nett 12 more congregations in australia have disappeared.
around 3 months ago, a search of the australian charities commission website would show the following registered as charities in australia:.
Great work Sheperdless!
hi friends ,.
i just thought i should share with you my entry into the o.b.e.
club on this 5th of july.not everybody makes it and to tell you the truth ,i never thought i would.
Old Boy Extraordinaire?
entertainment with music, singing and dancing
They seem to be introducing the born again business model.
how cool would it be to print these up and hide in the stacks of regular cards at the kh?.
There will be a letter to elders in all congregations to look out for this next week.
i don't know if this has been posted here before, sorry if it has.. r.b..
I don't know if this has been posted here before, sorry if it has.